Maximum rated lifting capacity @ 10 foot radius: 28,000
Boom Reach: 32 feet
Normal Operating Pressure: 2,750 psi
Main Boom, Jib Boom and Cylinder Pins: 2.5" Diam.
"Super Impacto" case hardened to Rc50 (Tough core, hard
Turntable Bearing: 39"
Reservoir Capacity: 112 (US Gal.)
Hydraulic Pump Rated Flow & Pressure @ 1200 RPM: 75
gallons per minute @ 3000 psi
Note - 44" Continuous Rotation Grapple is standard
(This allows the proper folding of the unit for
transportation purposes). If a 1/3rd Cord Pulp Grapple is
installed, the loader must be used with a front bumper
mounted grapple horn.